What We Treat


We provide treatments for various health problems, including:


Back Pain

Whether you are experiencing lower back, mid back or upper back pain, there is often a musculoskeletal cause that can be treated with chiropractic care. We can hone into your specific pain mechanisms and work with you not only to provide relief, but to minimise the chances of you ever getting that pain again.


Neck Pain

With our lifestyles being the way they are, neck pain is becoming more prevalent and chiropractic care can often provide long lasting relief.



Often headaches can be brought about by problems in the muscles or joints in the head or neck, which can be resolved with chiropractic care.



Sciatica is an umbrella term for pain that either affects the sciatic nerve, or mimics pain that you would expect from the sciatic nerve. The key to treating this is to find the exact sight and mechanism that creates the pain, and then working to remove the mechanism.


Jaw Pain

That is right, chiropractors don’t just treat backs and necks! We can work with every joint and muscle in the body. A common complaint being jaw pain (sometimes referred to as the TMJ). With careful examination and treatment, jaw pain can become a thing of the past.


Sports Injuries

If you are active and partake in sports, from time to time you may experience an injury. Chiropractic can treat a vast array of these injuries, including tennis elbow, golfers elbow, shin splints, ankle sprains and groin strains.


Hip Pain

Hip pain can be debilitating when walking or even sitting. A careful examination can often reveal problems with the surrounding musculature which can be improved by chiropractic care.


Knee Pain

Often knee pain can manifest as a result of problems, in the back, hip or even ankles. They are all part of the same kinematic chain. At shield chiropractic we look at the whole body to find out the underlying injury mechanisms.


Shoulder Pain

Our shoulders have the biggest range of motion in our whole bodies, it is therefor not surprising that it can develop pain or stiffness. Often times chiropractic care can pin point and treat the cause of these conditions, leaving you feeling much less pain and giving you much more motion.


+ so much more!

Just get in touch to discuss your problem an see if chiropractic care can help you.



Ready to start your chiropractic care?

If you’re ready to book your first appointment with us, you can book online on our website, or call us on 0131 282 3826 to arrange an appointment by phone.



Not sure? Contact us for a free phone consultation.

If you are not sure if chiropractic can help, please get in touch for a free 10 minute phone consultation to discuss your problem, and find out if chiropractic care is right for you.